2020年初以来, 各种黑天鹅事件频发: 新冠疫情、地缘政治冲突、通货膨胀、股市动荡、经济危机等对全球经济造成重要影响。如何解读当前环境,把握将来投资的方向?
想听听嘉宾们分享投资见解, 收获真知灼见么?
金秋十月, 诚邀您参加新冠之后首次BCIC线下聚会, 让我们在这快要到来的寒冬前, 一起抱团取暖。
Since the beginning of 2020, various black swan events, such as COVID-19, geopolitical conflicts, inflation, volatility in the stock market, recession, have resulted in pressure on the global economy and trade.
Would you like to hear our guest speakers share their insights about the current macroeconomic environment, both in the primary and secondary equity markets, and crypto markets?
This October, we sincerely invite you to participate in our first BCIC in-person gathering since the pandemic. Let’s huddle together before the coming winter.
Topics: macroeconomic trends, quantitative investments, blockchain, venture capital,tax law/planning
活动招募志愿者:感兴趣者请联系 info@bcicglobal.org.
● Date:2022-10-29 Saturday
● Time:1:30PM – 5PM
● Location:NextJump@Cambridge (One Kendall Square, Building 200, 4th Floor, Cambridge MA 02139)
● Free Admission; Suggested Donation:$20
Registration Link
Jerry Wang (王金龙) , CEO, Hi2 Global. Jerry负责公司的战略和投资。Jerry曾担任美国圣母大学基金投资主管,管理全球私募股权和亚洲投资组合。
Jerry Wang is Founder and CEO of Hi2 Global. Jerry founded Hi2 Global in New York in 2014, as an Investment as a Service (IaaS) global asset allocation platform. Hi2 Global allocates capital in the U.S. and to emerging markets including Southeast Asia, Africa and LATAM through an emerging market credit fund, an early stage venture fund and a long/short equity portfolio.
Before founding Hi2 Global, Jerry was an Investment Manager at University of Notre Dame Investment Office, managing alternative investments in the U.S. and Asia. Jerry received Bachelor’s degree in engineering from Tsinghua University and Master’s degrees in engineering and business administration from the University of Notre Dame. Jerry holds CFA and CAIA charters.
Bin Shi (石彬), Ph.D., CFA, SVP Portfolio Manager, Acadian Asset Management
Dr.Bin Shi is a Senior Vice President, Portfolio Manager of Research, and Quantitative Research Analyst at Acadian Asset Management. Dr. Shi has a background in time series forecasting, machine learning, and statistical modeling. Prior to that, he worked at Mathworks as a Statistician. Dr. Shi has over 14 years of extensive quantitative investment experience.
Wayne Ye, Ph.D., founder of Dolphin Capital LLC
Angel Investor, Head of Trading, Research, and Data Science, Dolphin Capital, LLC
Mr. Ye is an angel investor, portfolio manager, entrepreneur, and Ph.D. in Particle Physics. Dr. Ye has extensive experience in quantitative research, trading, and venture capital investment in global stocks and digital currencies. He conducted research and portfolio management in multiple renowned funds including Millennium Partners and is currently heading the investment and recruitment efforts in his firm.
Jingjing Chai, General Partner of Taihill Venture
Jingjing Chai, General Partner of Taihill Venture, an early stage Venture Capital fund investing in deep tech startups globally. Since 2017, Taihill has invested in over 80 startups, covering sectors such as AI, life science, synthetic bio, robotics and blockchain.
Jingjing is former Co-President of MIT-CHIEF, one of the largest entrepreneurship organizations in the East coast. She is also former Vice Secretary General of Chinese Culture Promotion Society – Media Lab.
Jingjing obtained her master degree from Harvard University and bachelor degree from Nanjing University.
Vacovec, Mayotte & Singer LLP, a law firm located in Newton, Massachusetts with a concentration on taxation. The areas of services include Domestic and International Taxation, Business Planning and Transactions, Estate Planning and Real Estate. Our competitive edge is that we understand both the law and the tax compliance and reporting requirements set by the tax authorities. Clients appreciate being able to get both services within one firm.
Tonya S. James, Esq. is the managing partner of Vacovec, Mayotte & Singer. Tonya concentrates in the areas of international and domestic taxation, international business planning, and tax planning and compliance for international assignments and individuals.
Yao Tang, Esq. is an associate of the firm. She practices in the area of international and domestic taxation, with a focus on tax planning and tax controversy.
● 1:30PM – 1:40PM Opening
● 1:40PM – 2:05PM Jerry Wang
● 2:05PM – 2:30PM Wayne Ye
● 2:30PM – 2:55PM Jingjing Chai
● 2:55PM – 3:10PM break
● 3:10PM – 3:35PM Vacovec, Mayotte & Singer LLP
● 3:35PM – 4:00PM Bin Shi
BCIC Sponsors






Boston Chinese Investment Club (BCIC) is a non-profit organization founded in 2010 with more 6000 professionals in Finance, Venture Capital, and various technology industries. It serves as a Boston centered platform for exchanging ideas, knowledge, and information in finance and related areas between US and China. Main activities include summits, conferences, and seminars. (https://bcicglobal.org/)