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* 医疗器械
* 人工智能
* 新能源
* 微电子
* 机器人
* 主旨演讲
* 嘉宾讨论
* 项目展示
星期日5/5/2019 1:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Emerson Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge,MA
High-tech Speakers and Panelists
(The list is ranked by last name in alphabetical order)
Kynote Speakers (More is coming)
Stephen J. Doyle, Esq.
Partner of TCF Law Group PLLC
Stephen Doyle is an accomplished lawyer and businessman who has practiced law for 30 years. He has been apartner in leading law firms, general counsel and international counsel to public and private companies, and COO, chief strategy officer, and member of executive teams at public companies and companies he founded. Steve has substantial experience in technology as international counsel to Prime Computerand Computer vision, General Counsel to Aspen Technology and Acronis, andfounder and COO to Tego. Steve has lived and worked in Europe, as well as M&A and cross-border transactional experience in China, East Asia, Latin America, and eastern and western Europe.
Steve is a graduate of Georgetown University and the University of Denver, with both JD and MBA degrees. He isthe author of various articles on law and is a contributing author to The Law of Transnational Business Transactions, (1980-2018 ed.) published by Thompson Reuters, and is an adjunct professor of international transactions at Boston University School of Law.
Leslie Griffin
Principal of Allinea LLC
Leslie Griffin is principal ofAllinea LLC, which provides strategic communications and government relations support to companies doing business with overseas markets. Leslie was previously Senior Vice President for International Public Policy for UPS, Vice President for International Governmental Affairs for New York Life Insurance Company, and Managing Director for Asia at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC. She also served as Chief of Staff to the Chairman and CEO ofNew York Life International.
Leslie is immediate past presidentand a board member of the Association of Women in International Trade. Shetaught and studied in Nanjing, China and is a member of the National Committeeon U.S.-China Relations.
She holds an M.Sc. in International Relations from the London School of Economics and a B.A. in Economics from Wellesley College.
VC Panelists
Pong Choa
Mendoza Ventures
Pong Choa has over 15 years of experience in financial services and fintech. Deep experience in mobile walletsand payments.
At PayPal, Pong played a key role in mobile wallet development, mobile point of sale (POS) solution and their QRcode payment solution.
At Fidelity Investments, where heworked with fund managers to implement a mobile trading solution. Additionally, he implemented a fund accounting system for Fidelity family offices and developed a fund performance reporting system for the Fidelity 401K business.”
Hongkai He
Skylight Investment
Hongkai He is a venture partner of Skylight Investment. Skylight Investment is a Boston-based early stage VC firm focusing on deep technology. Before joining Skylight, he was the co-founder of Boston Innovation Growth where he connected more than 300 US startups to Chinese investors. Prior to that, he was also the co-founder of Talent Jungle, a New York based Internet startup enabling normal people to host mini class to teach everything. Hongkai has a master’s degree in Management Science from Columbia University, during which he practiced management consulting for a year. He also holds master’ and bachelor’s degreesin Computational Mathematics from Sun Yat-Sen University, where he did researchfor 3 years on high performance computing research for TH-2 (world top 1 Super computer at that time).
Lex Zhao
Investor, One Way Ventures
MBA, University of Chicago Booth School of Business.
Lex Zhao is currently an investor atOne Way Ventures, a sector agnostic seed stage venture fund backing exceptional immigrant founders. Lex himself is an immigrant from China and previously ledthe operations team at Vestwell, a venture-backed fintech startup. Prior toVestwell, Lex earned his MBA with Honors from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. At Chicago Booth, he was as an Associate at Moderne Ventures and took part in the New Venture Challenge startup accelerator program.
Lex started his career at Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge fund, and NERA Economic Consulting, a leading economic consultancy. Lex graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Cornell University where he earned his B.A. in Economics with Distinction.
Startup Panelists
Yudong Cao, Ph.D.
Co-founder of Zapata Computing, Inc
Yudong Cao obtained his PhD in Computer Science in 2016 from Purdue University. His thesis was awarded 2016Chorafas Award in Computer Science and Informatics. From late 2016 till presenthe serves as a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University, working with AlanAspuru-Guzik on quantum algorithms for quantum chemistry and quantum machine learning. Recently, with other Harvard scientists he co-founded a Bostonstartup Zapata Computing focusing on quantum computing software development.
Jack Xu
CEO of PatentPal
As Co-founder and CEO of PatentPal, Jack combines his expertise in patent law and artificial intelligence to build software that automate patent drafting. Prior to founding PatentPal, Jackworked as a patent attorney at globally-recognized law firms, specializing inartificial intelligence and software patents. Through his practice at White& Case and Kilpatrick Townsend, Jack counselled and managed the patentportfolios of both Fortune 500 companies and startups, thereby developing abird’s-eye perspective on the inventive activity happening in the heart ofSilicon Valley. Jack holds a JD from Harvard Law School and a BS in CS and AIfrom the University of British Columbia.
Wentao Xiao
Co-founder and CEO of Zealery
WentaoXiao is the Co-founder and CEO of Zealery, an AI-driven solution to lowercustomer acquisition cost through the automation of online advertisingdeployement and optimization. He is also one of 10 Global Entrepreneurs in Residence of Babson College.
Hehas been passionate about building projects from the ground-up since very youngand started his first company in high school. Wentao has both founded andworked for startups in Beijing, Singapore, and US with experience ranging fromlarge international companies such as EY to startups from 2 to 10 to 80 peoplespanning across the executive coaching, hedge fund and mobile gamingindustries.
Wentaoholds a Finance degree from Northeastern University and is a self-describe ddata-junkie and beer enthusiast.
J. Helen Yang
Founder and CEO of Andes Wealth Technologies
J.Helen Yang, CFA, founder and CEO at Andes Wealth Technologies, is a financia t echnology executive with 20+ years of experience. Prior to founding AndesWealth Technologies, she held leadership positions at Thomson Reuters and Charles River Development (now part of State Street). A co-winner of the prestigious Harry M. Markowitz Special Distinction Award in 2011 (with Dr.Andrew Lo), Helen is also a research associate at MIT since 2014.
Helen holds dual bachelors in Electrical Engineering and Math from Tsinghua University, Master of Science with a concentration in AI from RPI and MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management.
Helen volunteers extensively. She currently serves on the board of Asian Americansfor Equal Rights. Previously, she served on the Finance Committee for the Townof Lexington in Massachusetts, coached First Lego League robotics and youth soccer, and established the Community Service Scholarship at the Chinese American Association of Andover.
Weihong Zhang
Founder, Cmind, Inc
Weihong Zhang is currently the founder of a local AI+Fintech startup. Prior to that, hewas a cofounder of two startups respectively in Silicon Valley and Shenzhen where his team utilized AI and big data to improve the efficiency in the recruiting industry.
Hereceived his PhD in AI from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.He worked in a number of research firms and lab developing high-performance algorithms and software. He published 20+ scientific articles in international conferences and journals and had 3 US patents.
Healthcare Speakers and Panelist
Kynote Speakers (More is coming)
Yingzi Yang, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Translational Research
Professor of Developmental Biology
Director of Biological Sciences in Dental Medicine PhD Program at Havard University
Dr. Yang has made seminal discoveries in understanding the roles of Hippo and Wnt signaling pathways in liver cancer and skeletal diseases. Her research has successfully bridged discoveries of fundamental mechanisms with characterization and treatment of human diseases including severe birth defects, cancer and degenerative diseases.
Gang Luo, PhD
Associate Professor of Ophthalmology,Harvard Medical School
Dr.Luo’s past experience as a research engineer, including his work with optics,image processing, and biomedical engineering, has influenced his interest inthe mechanisms of the human visual system. He studies assistive technology forindividuals with visual impairments. In particular, his current research includes the development of portable collision warning devices, includingsmartphone-based technologies, to improve walking mobility. He also studiesdriving behaviors in individuals with visual impairments.
Geqiang (Greg) Li
CTO of Linkedup Bioscience
Geqiang (Greg) Li is the founder/ president. CTO of Linkedup Bioscience. Greg received his bachelor and master degree from Wuhan University. His PhD is from Case Western Reserve/Cleveland Clinic. After that he continued his work at Boston Children Hospital,Abpro and Pfizer on biological target and antibody drug development. Linkedup Bioscience is founded by several scientists with intensive experience from antibody industries. It aims to develop an antibody discovery platform by combining microfluidic technology and yeast expression system. This platformcan perform cells sorting for size larger than 100mm B cells and 100 times more efficient compare to current single B cell platform. The business model of Linked up is to discover antibody drug by partnership with big pharmas and biotech companies. Linkedup Bioscience is also hiring for talent who previouslyhad experience with molecular biology and single B cell antibody discover.
Roger Song
Associate Analyst,
Roger has ten plus years of experiences in life sciencesacross equity research, strategy consulting, private equity/venture capital, product marketing and sales management in the US and China. He holds an MBA andan MD, and also passed all three levels of the CFA program.
Jia Sun
Associate of 6Demension Capital.
He received his BS degree from University of Science and Technology of China. In 2011, he received his PhD in chemical biology from University of Michigan. Later he worked inL.E.K and McKinsey to focus on healthcare and biotech evaluations.
Chong Xu
Principal at F-Prime Capital
Chong is a Principal at F-Prime Capital. He focuses primarily on biopharmaceutical andmedical technology sectors and works closely with the Eight Roads Ventures Asiateam to manage portfolio companies and new investment opportunities inChina. Prior to joining F-Prime in 2015,Chong was an associate in McKinsey and Company’s Boston office, a hedge fund healthcare equity analyst with Massif Partners and Affirmed Healthcare, and aresearcher focusing on developmental neurobiology at Temasek Life Sciences Laboratoryin Singapore.
Zhaoying Xu
Senior Analyst, HealthAdvances
Zhaoying Xu is a Senior Analyst at HealthAdvances, a leading healthcare strategy consulting firm in Boston. He advises domestic and international clients across major verticals of healthcare,focusing on biopharma, diagnostics, and medtech. Zhaoying received his PhD inneuroscience from Harvard Medical School and was a Sackler Scholar.
Healthcare startup showcase(More are coming…)
AZ Breath
AZ Breath has developed a handheld device for diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease atearly stage. AZ fabricated and tested a novel ultra-sensitive (part pertrillion sensitivity) and highly selective electrochemical gas sensors (i.e. AZBreath sensors) for fast (~seconds), low-cost, completely non-invasive, andquantitative early diagnose of AD through sensing the biomarker volatileorganic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath. A microcontroller was designed,fabricated and tested to work with the electrochemical gas sensor arrays fordetecting the VOCs from exhaled breath. The sensor readings will be transferredwirelessly through Bluetooth to a smartphone or a computer. Breathing on the AZBreath sensor may result in changes of the sensor resistance, which isdigitized and transmitted to the smartphone through Bluetooth commination link.A machine-learning algorithm will be used to decide if the user is at risk ofhaving AD; and in case of AD, the stage of the disease can be identifiedthrough sensor readings. The AZ Breath sensor system was tested on transgenichuman APOE4 knock-in AD rats and the sensors were able to successfullydistinguish between AD and healthy rats.
Using our Next-Gen Biomarker Discovery Platform, combined with Innovative ‘Big Data’Omics, BiomaRx is developing the first non-invasive, multi-analyte liquidbiopsy test to detect pancreatic cancer before it becomes invasive.
QLED Cures
QLED Cures is developing quantum dot light emitting devices (QLEDs) for light-basedmedical treatments. Our QLEDs will replace expensive and bulky lasers and LEDsystems with a wearable, flexible device that enables new treatment options.
QLED Cures Speaker: Peter Palomaki, PhD
Chief Technology Officer
Acting Chief Executive Officer
QD and optical materials expert
Experience developing QDenabled Technologies
NEU Global China Connection
North America Sports Union
Boston Chinese Investment Club
Boston Chinese Investment Club (BCIC) is a Boston registered non-profit organization founded by TCFA (The Chinese Finance Association) Boston organizers in 2010. It serves as Boston centered platform for exchanging ideas, knowledge, and information in finance/investment and related areas between US and China. Main activities include monthly seminars and roadshows. Join the BCIC mailing list to get our latest event information and job postings by registering for our events or send an email to boston.chinese.investment.
Startups please send your business plans to roadshow@bcicglobal.org . Investor or sponsors please contact us at info@bcicglobal.org
MIT Sloan Greater China Club (Sloan GCC) is a voluntary, non-profit organization with the mission to build a close-knit community for the growing number of Sloan students. We hold activities related to Greater China region in areas including professional development, social gathering and cross-cultural communication.
BCIC Platinum Sponsor
E Fund Management Co., LTD.
Established on April 17, 2001, E Fund is one of the fund managers in China with the longest and most successful history. The Company is based in Guangzhou and has offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Dalian, Nanjing, Hong Kong and the United States.
BCIC Gold Sponsors
Eastern Link Capital is a China focused private equity fund registered with Asset Management Association of China(AMAC). EL Capital manages Eastern Link Capital Fund I and Eastern Link Capital Fund II, both Renminbi funds anchored by the prestige joint venture fund of funds of China Development Bank and Suzhou Industrial Park. We invest in late stage companies and middle market buyout in consumer, healthcare service & medical devices and technology. Our partners’ hands-on working experience with the local capital market and the fund’s unique investment strategy in helping our portfolio companies access the dynamic China’ local capital market will generate high returns for our investors. EL Capital is headquartered in Beijing with additional offices in Suzhou, Boston and Seattle.
Hengtian is a technology services company in Hangzhou, China, an alliance among State Street Corporation, Insigma Technology (a Global Outsourcing 100 Company) and Zhejiang University (A Top Three University in China). Hengtian is dedicated to providing reliable and professional IT services and products for companies at home and abroad. The company offers enterprises customized software development services and IT products and solutions in relation to finance, manufacturing, and retailing, to name a few.
Mass Ave Capital
Mass Ave Capital is a venture capital firm focusing on start-ups based in Cambridge or Great Boston area. We believe our strong resources and ability of small companies operation can help our portfolios greatly. And, with our passion and vision, we can provide a great return to our investors. Trust us, and being with us.
Yintech Investment Holdings
Yintech Investment Holdings Limited (“Yintech” or the “Company”) is a leading provider of investment and trading services for individual customers in China. Yintech strives to provide best-in-class financial information, investment tools and services to individual customers utilizing the latest financial technology and mobile platform.
Shanghai Zhangjiang Boston Enterprise Park
Shanghai Zhangjiang Boston Enterprise Park (SZBEP) serves as a high-tech platform for enterprises to thrive, and startups to grow through gathering resources, providing opportunities, and fostering innovation. To establish the foundation for seamless convergence of innovation and businesses between China and the United States, the park provides a variety of services include mentoring, consulting, financing, project applications and many others. The teams are dedicated to create unorthodox methods of communication between the United States and China that yield more advanced technology and a better future.
U.S. & International Tax and Legal Services
Vacovec, Mayotte & Singer, LLP is a law firm distinguished for its concentration in tax law. Located just outside of Boston, Massachusetts, we provide a full range of tax and related legal services to clients throughout the United States and around the world. Our attorneys are experienced in solving complex tax planning, structuring and compliance issues using creative strategies and determined advocacy on behalf of our clients. Please contact us for more information about our services and our firm.

INNO LINK霖可科技定位为全球科技中国产业协同创新服务商,专注促进全球科技与中国产业的协同创新,为全球科技创新在中国产业化落地提供全生命周期服务。
Positioned as the matchmaker between global technologies and China’s Industries, INNO LINK is committed to promoting the collaborative innovation between global technologies and China’s industries, providing full-life cycle service for the implementation of global innovative technologies in China.