
1:30pm- 2:30pm

● 代表发言(BCIC,上海张江波士顿企业园,麻州政府代表等)
● MIT Sloan School 黄亚生院长发言
● 如何应对全球能源与淡水资源短缺?NEU郑义教授
● Diamond in the rough – 如何在纳斯达克找到值得投资的biotech, 余宏President of Biostage

2:30pm – 4:30pm 节目表演(穿插赞助商介绍和抽奖活动)



黄亚生是美国麻省理工斯隆管理学院政治经济和国际管理教授,并任该学院中国经济和商业国际讲座教授. 他同时也是复旦管理学院兼职教授和湖南大学荣誉教授。黄亚生教授历任密歇根大学、哈佛大学教职和世界银行顾问。研究领域涉及国际商务管理、政治经济学和制度经济学。

他的最新著作是<<具有中国特色的资本主义>>(剑桥大学出版社2008年,中文版,2010年). 本书被英国<<经济学人>>评为2008年度最佳图书之一也是美国出版社协会2008年度最佳图书奖候选.他的《销售中国》)(英文版2003年; 中文版2005年)探讨了中国外商直接投资在制度上的驱动因素。该书的主要观点已经在众多刊物上发表,包括《华尔街日报》、《经济学家》、《商业世界》、《世界报》、《经济日报》, <<财经>>, <<21世纪经济论坛>>, <<经济观察家报>>, <<南方周末报>>, <<全球企业家>>, 和《瞭望》等。该书较早和系统性论述了内资企业,外资企业政策不平等的问题和对经济的影响. 近年来致力于将这样一种研究中国外商直接投资的思路(分析国内企业的竞争力)拓展到其他国家,分析那些国家本土企业的制度环境。目前正在主持进行关于中国和印度私营经济发展,外商所有权和外商直接投资制度上动因, 创业环境,科技发展,人力资本等的研究项目。

黄亚生教授曾获在研究领域享有重大声誉的研究金支持,如斯坦福大学的国家研究基金和社会科学研究协会的麦克阿瑟研究金。黄教授兼任清华大学中国经济研究中心研究员,北京大学国际关系学院研究员,密歇根商学院威廉大卫逊学院研究员,世界经济论坛研究员。在麻省理工斯隆管理学院, 黄亚生教授创办了”中国实验室”和”印度实验室,” 目的是帮助中小企业提高管理. 他是几家盈利性和非盈利性组织的顾问委员会的成员。


Professor Zheng is a tenured professor in the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department at Northeastern University. He is the Founder and President of a Boston-based cleantech startup company Planck Energies. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. from Columbia University and his B.S. from the Tsinghua University, all in Mechanical Engineering. Professor Zheng was selected as the NASA Glenn Faculty Fellow. He has secured external funding from diverse sources totaling over $2.8M including multiple federal agencies NSF, NIH, NASA, DoD DARPA, ONR, US Air Force, as well as industrial funding from 3M, MassVentures, and Soleeva Energy.

Proferssor Zheng’s research interests fall in the areas of cleantech, sustainability and carbon neutral technologies and he aims to address the growing global challenges in energy and water scarcity. His achievements are reflected in the prestigious honors and awards that he has received for his research, including the American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers (ASTFE) Early Career Researcher Award, NSF CAREER Award, NIH RI-INBRE Early Career Development Award, 3M NTFA Award, and Soleeva Energy Innovation Award. His innovative cleantech research about green cooling and solar-driven water desalination technologies have received tremendous global attention (e.g., US, UK, China, India, New Zealand and South Africa) and have been covered by more than 100 news outlets, including BBC, Science, India Times, Global Leaders Today, The Vanguard (GE News), WaterToday, ASEE Prism Magazine, New York Rural Water Association, the live radio interview “Top of Mind with Julie Rose” and The Hill’s “Changing America.”

Professor Zheng has published 70+ papers in high-quality journals such as Nano Energy, Advanced Functional Materials, Nanoscale (featured on front cover), Materials Today Physics, Applied Physics Letters, and ACS series journals. He holds 4 PCT/US patents and 3 US patents pending. He has given 50+ invited talks at universities including MIT, Brown University, Imperial College of London, Tsinghua University, University of Hong Kong, and University of Tokyo.


湖北黄冈人, 北京大学生物系90级,1998年在伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校获得生物统计硕士学。担任美洲银行/美林证券SVP多年。

2018年5月份正式加入哈佛器官再生科技公司Biostage, 出任总裁,负责融资和战略运作。迄今已为公司融资2400万美元。公司于2020年拿到FDA食道再生的临床批文 – 器官再生领域的里程碑,即将上市(已经递交招股书)。




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【BCIC Sponsors】

E Fund Management Co., LTD


U.S. & International Tax and Legal Services


Shanghai Zhangjiang Boston Enterprise Park


Global Asset Management


Dolphin Capital (https://dolphincapital.io

JJLake Asian Future Innovation Challenge Boston Chapter


Hong Kong Science Technology Park


Boston Chinese Investment Club (BCIC) is a non-profit organization founded in 2010 with more 6000 professionals in Finance, Venture Capital, and various technology industries. It serves as a Boston centered platform for exchanging ideas, knowledge, and information in finance and related areas between US and China. Main activities include summits, conferences, and seminars. (https://bcicglobal.org/