提起量化投资(Quantitative Investment),大家首先想到的是传说中的神级对冲基金
BCIC(Boston Chinese Investment Club)
讲座时间: 04/20 7PM to 8:30PM
讲座地点:MIT Sloan Management School E62 276
100 Main St, Cambridge, MA 02142
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演讲嘉宾: 夏笑峰,CFA 弘尚资产 合伙人,量化投资总监
Xiaofeng Xia, CFA
Partner and Head of Quantitative Investments at HSAM
As the head of quantitative investments at Hong-Shang Asset Management (HSAM), Xiaofeng is responsible for all quantitative investments related matters, including overseeing the quant group, researching investment strategies, managing portfolios, and developing client relationships.
Prior to joining HSAM in 2017, Xiaofeng had worked with the Quantitative Investment Group at Wellington Management since 2007, where he researched investment strategies and managed portfolios. Prior to that, Xiaofeng worked with the Quantitative Investment Group as an intern during the summer of 2006.
He was one of three founding members of an Internet services company in China called Xunlei Network Technology Co. (2003 – 2004), and he was also a software engineer at Oracle (2002 – 2004).
Frank earned his MS in computational finance from Carnegie Mellon University (2006). He also holds an MS in mathematics from Emory University (2005), an MS in applied mathematics for Peking University (2002), and a BS in mathematics from Wuhan University (1999).
Additionally, he holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the CFA Institute and the Boston Security Analysts Society. He loves running, swimming and cycling. He have completed several marathon and triathlon races.
波士顿华人投资协会(BCIC),前身为北美华人金融协会波士顿分会。协会旨在促进华人金融和投资的交流和讨论,搭建中美资本和项目的对接平台,通过路演,研讨会和交流活动,为广大成员提供投融资机会,职业和社交服务,并积极为中国投资金融业的发展提供人才和建议,协会现有会员逾3000人。 协会成员分布于各类著名银行、对冲基金、互助基金,私募和风投等。
协会曾成功举办多场活动,嘉宾包括前美国财政部部长Larry Summers,美国证监会前副主席,Michael S. Piwowar, 及前证监会国际部主任、中投公司副总经理祁斌,及峰瑞资本创始合伙人李丰等。协会已举办多场路演,讲座和研讨活动,围绕区块链,金融科技,人工智能,生物科技等领域,促进中美创投项目对接和信息交流。协会与中美多家知名资本方保持密切合作关系,也与中美多家孵化器机构达成战略合作意向,包括全球10大知名孵化器之一美国太库等。
想加入BCIC的mailing list获取最新活动资讯和求职信息,请联系我们或者发送邮件至boston.chinese.investment.club@gmail.com。 如果您有意参与协会未来的路演活动,欢迎提前联系我们。项目方请将商业计划发送至:roadshow@bcicglobal.org。投资方或赞助方欢迎致函:info@bcicglobal.org。
BCIC Platinum Sponsor
E Fund Management Co., LTD. (http://www.efunds.com.cn/)
BCIC Sponsors
Eastern Link Capital: (http://www.easternlinkcapital
Insigma Hengtian Software: (http://www.hengtiansoft.com/)
Mass Ave Capital
Yintech Investment Holdings (http://www.yintech.net)