【邀请函】BCIC 量化投资路演

波士顿华人投资俱乐部(BCIC)将于8月24日 周四晚7:00PM – 9:30PM在波士顿举办量化投资路演,本次活动主要讨论量化投资的实务应用。两位投资者分享如何应用量化信号来辅助投资,以及如何合理结合技术分析手段发掘投资机会。特邀请中、美两国金融行业的量化投资专业人士,行业领军人物,及潜在投资者等来共同探讨这一话题。此次活动将采用“头脑风暴”的形式,为参与者创造不拘一格、自由开放的交流环境。参与者将有机会深度掌握、点评相关量化技术,演说者将有机会充分展示企业或相关量化策略、获取资深反馈和潜在投资资金,同时和其他同行业者高效互动、共同成长。

欢迎各位量化同仁参加,有策略有融资需求可私下联系我们. 我们诚挚期待您的参与!


Mr. Jian Wang is a Financial Advisor in Merrill Lynch focusing on asset management and financial services to meet short- and long-term financial goals of high-net-worth clients. He joined Merrill Lynch in 2012 after more than fourteen years in biotech and pharmaceutical companies as Sr. Principle Scientist in Computer-Aided Drug Design. He has applied his quantitative analytical skills to help clients in wide range of investment opportunities. Jian is B.Sc. in physics and Ph.D. in computational chemistry.

Mr. Gregory Lin is B.Sc in Electronics from Zhongshan University and M.S. in Mathematics from University of Illinois. Gregory started his career in Financials after earning MBA. He worked as quant analyst in Countrywide Pricing team, Font office Consultant in Credit Suisse Structured Product Analytics Team, and Quantitative strategist and Volatility Trader in Putnam Investments. Gregory started an entrepreneurship company in 2016, focusing on ETF mid frequency trading in ETFs, quantitative analysis on ETF momentum and reversals, with applications in neural network to provide advanced trading strategy..

时间:8月24日,7:00PM – 9:30 PM

地点:MIT E51楼,具体房间注册后通知






主 办 方

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波士顿华人投资俱乐部 (Boston Chinese Investment Club, or BCIC)是由波士顿华人金融投资人士(The Chinese Finance Association Boston Chapter)发起的并已正式注册的非盈利性组织。协会总旨是促进波士顿以及其他地区的华人金融业界的社会交流和专业投资讨论。BCIC经常性地组织各种研究和交流活动,为广大会员提供职业社交和培训服务,并积极为中国金融业的发展提供人才和建议。想加入BCIC的mailing list获取最新活动资讯和求职信息,请联系我们或者发送邮件至boston.chinese.investment.club@gmail.com.



Eastern Link Capital: (http://www.easternlinkcapital.com/)


Insigma Hengtian Software: (http://www.hengtiansoft.com/)


Mass Ave Capital
